
Welcome to Uptown StudioWhere we help you or your child use movement to enhance the power of the brain to improve quality of life. Where we take you on an exploration of proven methods of natural pain relief, fitness and vitality:

  • Do you suffer chronic back, neck or shoulder pain?
  • Are you an athlete or musician looking for an extra edge in your performance?
  • Do you want to recharge your physical, emotional and spiritual vitality?
  • Is your mental clarity and creativity in need of a boost?

Or are you just looking to get in shape?

  • We offer new possibilities for special needs kids:
  • Does your child have neurological challenges?
  • Have you been disappointed with the results of traditional methods?
  • We can help with issues from autism to cerebral palsy to genetic disorders.

Uptown Studio offers proven methods that are natural, fun, easy and, most importantly, bring results:

The Feldenkrais Method®

The Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®


No more strain, pain, forced exercise or overuse of drugs.

With a repertoire of techniques, we use awareness of movement to bring about transformation in thinking and action. This takes place in individual or group lessons; please see our class schedule.

Ms Dack is certified in all three methods and has had her own practice for 20 years, working with thousands of clients. The work is cutting edge and has brought exciting, scientifically sound results in clients around the world.

Uptown Studio is located in central Toronto (see map) and offers individual or group lessons, days, evenings and weekends.

Uptown Studio.
527A Mt. Pleasant Rd.
Toronto, ON M4S 2M4
(416) 481-2381
contact us here

For a worldwide listing of certified NeuroMovement® professionals serving Children with Special Needs, please visit:


Please join our mailing list for newsletters, information on Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® lessons with Judith Dack, Feldenkrais® classes, and Neuroplasticity Workshops.